Monday, August 1, 2011

The Blue Angels!

This last weekend we had the pleasure of having the Blue Angels come to Great Falls, Montana.  They put on a show up at the airport Saturday and Sunday.  And, Scott being the photographer that he is decided to use the opportunity to practice catching crystal clear pictures of fast moving jets!

Since it was quite a job to get up to the airport (traffic and all).  Or maybe it had something to do with the fact that our kids seem to have a very short attention span!  We decided to view the air show from Warden Park, one of the higher elevations in Great Falls.

Warden Park also provided a great place to get a patriotic photograph.  The Blue Angels were so awesome to watch.  The tricks they performed were incredible!

The formations were so precise and my hat goes off to them.  I was definitely impressed!

Thanks to the Blue Angels for showing us some of the capabilities of fighter jets flown by very capable pilots!